H1 & H2: Shot by Kevin Brady’s gun

That roar you hear is the “roar from the courageous journalists, bloggers, National Party MPs, gutsy public servants, and lawyers who dug deep into the electoral-spending scandal,” and as Fran O’Sullivan notes this morning have already achieved a victory, and this even before Darnton’s case gets to court to have the spending declared illegal.

And hasn’t Whale Oil’s picture (right) become more prescient by the day. Now that the cycle is well past spin and set firmly at ‘Hang Out To Dry,’ the current favourites to get the treatment according to the Herald’s Fran O’Sullivan are the two H’s: either H1 or H2, or both.

Clark is now “damaged goods after the battle of Helengrad,” notes O’Sullivan, and as I noted on Wednesday and O’Sullivan reports today Clark herself “basically hung Simpson out to dry in Parliament earlier in the week.” In short, “resentment in some caucus quarters at the way Heather Simpson and Helen Clark have handled the issue” and at the size of the cheques they’re going to have to write out to cover up the blunder might suggest either one or both might be going down, shot (in the words of the song) “by Kevin Brady’s gun.”

No longer will my country take this fraud from you
I so could foresee this thing happening to you
If I look hard enough into your fading run
I see it ending with Kevin Brady’s gun

I see a red card and they gotta pay it back
They stole from public funds they gotta pay it back
I see MPs walk by dressed in their emperors’ clothes.
They have to turf their head ‘cos she caused all their woes.

Hmm, hmm, hmm, …

What odds then on Phil Goff leading the Labour Party into the next election? Anybody like to bet against it?

LINKS: Labour MPs told to pay Brady bill? – Audrey Young, NZ Herald
Clark damaged goods after battle of Helengrad – Fran O’Sullivan, NZ Herald
Pay It Back! – VRWC, You Tube
Government changes tack on pledge card defence – Not PC (Peter Cresswell)

RELATED: Politics-NZ, Politics-Labour, Darnton V Clark

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